Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Darla & Trevor

I am a few blog posts behind, so I apologize to Darla and Trevor for having their sneak peak up a bit late. Although Darla and Trevor's day was a few weeks ago, I remember it like it was yesterday. This wedding ring story was an extra special treat and surprise that made my eyes come very close to tears. Darla and Trevor had each other's rings custom designed for one another. They didn't see their own ring until it was placed on their finger at the ceremony. What a great idea! As you can tell by the first photo, each did amazingly well at choosing! The day was so close to perfect that I am sure that these two wouldn't change a thing. Darla and Trevor are an extra special couple. They are more than clients, they have become good friends of mine (and my husband). It was such a honor to be able to be there for them witnessing all of the details and emotion on such a big day in their lives. Darla and Trevor share the kind of love that should be an example for all couples. They are kind to one another, they laugh often and share many good friends. Darla and Trevor (Foofer - haha), thank you for being you. You're day was amazing and I am so glad that I could share it with you! Please enjoy a small sample of my many favorites.

1 comment:

Jamie Laswell said...

Oh Renee what an awesome job! I knew they would be beautiful because of the amazing couple you were photographing, but WOW what an awesome job! They truly are a special couple!!! I can't wait to see the rest!