Sunday, May 31, 2009

Regan and Aaron - Montego Bay, Jamaica

I have recently returned from a trip to fabulous Jamaica!! I am pleased to blog about my dear friends and their absolutely breath taking wedding. Beautiful Locations for a beautiful couple. I promised to keep the "sneak peak" rather small this time. This is so Regan, Aaron and their guests will still be surprised to see the bulk of their wedding images during their Canadian reception in Lethbridge. Regan and Aaron, thank you so much for including me in such a special time in your lives - your day was nothing short of perfect! I loved experiencing Jamaica with you and exploring new and incredible photo locations for your fabulous day. That aqua duct is something else - nice find you two!! I'm excited to show you all the rest in June!! Click right on the image to view it larger.

1 comment:

HOlly said...

i keep checking back to see if you have anything new and exciting. it must be pretty awesome to be in all those beautiful surroundings and lovely couples. your pictures are really beautiful :o)